The dust has settled from the holiday cheer and new years celebrations. Now its time to kick things into gear and start tackling those yearly resolutions! Here in Austin Tx, the gyms have been slammed these first few weeks of the year, however there is already a decline and the crowds are starting to evaporate.
With every resolution there's a fine line.
On one side of the line there's a potential chance for good things to happen.
On the other side of the line there's less of a chance for good things to happen. You want to do everything in power to be on that better side of the line and don't settle for anything less.
1.Chose To Commit!
Nobody can get you to commit but you! You must be willing to commit! YOU must take control of your body and sometimes drag it to the gym regardless on how much you don't want to workout! Sometimes you have to say F**k it and do it anyway regardless on how badly you don't want to! This will strengthen you both inside and out!
2. Work Hard!
Good things are rarely easy or cheap, There are no quick fixes! Working hard creates something special. Sometimes its the small things that have the big impact on results, think about this,
At 211 Degrees, Water is hot. At 212 Degrees it boils. and with boiling water, comes steam. and with steam, you can power a Train. Just one extra degree can cause the big difference! So if you're working hard and you're not seeing changes don't quit and keep fighting!!
3. Be Resilient!
Get the f*ck up and cross that line don't quit and never give up! Fitness isn't temporary its a life long commitment! Keep moving forward! If you fall get up get up! Don't Quit! Never stop fighting! !
J Madrid
Austin Mobile Personal Trainer